Donating and Fundraising
When people have worked hard throughout their life and been committed to helping others, they deserve extra cherishing.
At Woking Homes we provide our residents with a secure, relaxed, homely environment in which their care, well-being, comfort and safety are of prime importance.
A regular donation can help us to ensure the best possible care for our residents both now and in the future.
Here are some ways in which you can help:
Step One
Direct and regular donating using our standing order form. Or you can make a one off donation directly to us at Woking Homes – Sort Code 60-24-20 Account Number 89959914 or by cheque made payable to Woking Homes. Donations can be gift aided if you are a tax payer.
Standing order form Gift Aid forms
Step Two
Do you and your family members shop online? Raise money for Woking Homes when you do. It’s simple – just visit
to register and you can shop with over 2000 well known retailers like Amazon, Argos, M&S, John Lewis, Tesco and many, many more. Whenever you buy something the retailer will make a donation to Woking Homes. It doesn’t cost you a penny extra to shop this way and there are even special offers and voucher codes to use. Encourage everyone in your family to do the same and increase the amounts raised for Woking Homes.
Step Three
Raise funds every time you search the internet. Using easysearch instead of Google or other popular search engines will generate a donation for Woking Homes. It is completely FREE and by making just 10 searches a day, you could raise around £20 a year for us. Go to
As well as raising funds, easysearch say they also give you the best search results available on the web. Today, the Internet is so big that different search engines will often deliver different results for the same search. So, by combining the strengths of several search engines together – Yahoo!, Bing and many more – you get the very best results in terms of accuracy and relevance, which means you’ll find what you’re looking for quickly and easily every time – all in one ‘easy’ search!

Friends of Woking Homes
The Friends of Woking Homes carry out fundraising activities for the direct benefit of our residents.

Volunteers help us in many ways, from fundraising to assisting with activities to chatting with residents.

You can make a one off donation, regular monthly or annual donations. Every little helps!