What we do
The Railway District Committees used to contribute to the funding of Woking Homes. When they declined and were wound down in the early 1990s Friends of Woking Homes (FOWH) was formed in 1993.
The aim of the Friends is to contribute to making the lives of the residents of Woking Homes as enjoyable and as comfortable as possible, by fundraising to provide extras, luxuries and outings, over and above the contracted services provided by the management and staff of the Homes through the fees. Friends also assist with some social activities and days out, provide welfare visiting, gardening and any other support that may contribute to the well-being of the residents. View our Constitution & Rules for more details
Membership is open to residents of Woking Homes, their relatives, staff, trustees, railway employees and former railway employees and anyone who wishes to assist with or support the aims set out above.
Membership only costs £4 p.a. for a single person and £6 for couples.
Download Membership Form Standing Order Form GDPR Permission Form
Fundraising events typically include coffee mornings at Easter and Christmas, an annual garden party or fete, a sponsored walk, raffles, quiz nights, BBQs and the sale of second hand books. These events also provide opportunities for Friends to meet up and socialise and to get to know the residents better. Friends raise between £5000 and £7000 a year for the benefit of residents.
Friends fund professional entertainers throughout the year, and extra at Christmas and New Year, coach outings, boat trips and pub lunches, Christmas presents for every resident, craft materials, gardening equipment and plants, visiting animals and temporary egg hatcheries and much more.
Volunteering opportunities – What else can Friends do?
- Thursday evening socials, when Friends and relatives run the bar on a roster basis
- Help with games afternoons
- Bake cakes for sale at coffee mornings
- Donate raffle prizes and sell draw tickets
- Visit individual residents to chat
- Assist with craft activities and gardening
- Wrap Christmas presents
- Push wheelchairs on outings
- Show visitors round on open days
- Take part in emergency evacuation drills, standing in for residents for whom these practice sessions would be too stressful

Friends of Woking Homes
The Friends of Woking Homes carry out fundraising activities for the direct benefit of our residents.

Volunteers help us in many ways, from fundraising to assisting with activities to chatting with residents.

You can make a one off donation, regular monthly or annual donations. Every little helps!