The Railway District Committees used to contribute to the funding of Woking Homes. When they declined and were wound down in the early 1990s The Friends of Woking Homes (FOWH) were formed in 1993.
The aim of the Friends is to contribute to making the lives of the residents of Woking Homes as enjoyable and as comfortable as possible, by assisting with social activities and offering support, luxuries and outings, over and above the contracted services provided by the management and staff of the Homes. This can be done by fundraising, assisting with special and social events, entertainments and days out, welfare visiting, gardening and any other support that may contribute to the well-being of the residents.
Membership is open to residents of Woking Homes, their relatives, staff, trustees, railway employees and former railway employees and anyone who wishes to assist with or support the aims set out above.
Meetings of the members shall be held at least once a year (annual general meeting) and further meetings as deemed necessary to plan or run events for the residents.
Voluntary officers shall be elected annually at the general meeting, to consist of, as a minimum, a chairperson, a secretary and a treasurer. Other officers may be elected if deemed necessary and voted for at the annual general meeting. Voluntary officers shall receive no payment for their services other than out-of-pocket expenses such as postage, if they wish to claim.
If a voluntary officer becomes unable to serve due to ill-health, death, or other personal circumstances replacement officers may be co-opted during the year by the remaining officers, submitted to Woking Homes and their appointment reported to the next meeting of the members.
Accounts detailing income and expenditure shall be presented annually to the membership at the general meeting.
Should the Friends of Woking Homes ever be wound down any remaining funds shall pass to the management of Woking Homes to use in the best interests of the residents. If the winding down is due to the closure of the Homes themselves, another appropriate rail charity shall be identified to be the recipient by the officers and members at that time.
May 2014